Registrar of Companies
Best Services in Rajkot

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Procedure for Registrar of Companies

Send us a copy of the book

Send us the scanned copy of your accounting books and one of our experts shall get in touch with you.

Analysis of your books

Our experts shall then analyze your accounting books and make entries into books according to the same.

Verification and Approval by you

As the next procedure, the final tally entry shall be sent by our experts to you for verification and approval.

Preparation of Balance sheet

Once approved by you, our experts shall then prepare the balance sheet and PNC statement of the same.

Your work is completed

Once the Balance sheet and PNC are prepared, the books of accounts are finalized and completed and sent to you.

What is ROC?

account management

ROC represents Registrar of Companies which is an office under the Indian Ministry of corporate affairs that manages the organization of the Companies Act, 2013. ROC has been designated under section 609 of the companies act covering the different States and Union Territories are vested with the essential duty of enlisting organizations and LLPs drifting in the individual states and the Union Territories and ensuring that such organizations and LLPs agree to statutory needs under the act. The office of ROC works as registry records, associated with the companies registered with them, which are available for investigation by members from the public on the installment of the recommended expense. Also, there are right now 22 Registrars of Companies (ROC) working from offices in every significant state of India.

Eligibility for Return Filling
  • MOA/AOA of the company
  • Certificate of Incorporation
Documents required with the ROC every year
Form MGT-7- Annual Return Enrolled office details of the organization, specifics of its property, principal business activities, and associate companies
Form MGT-7- Annual Return Debentures, share and different protections and shareholding pattern
Form MGT-7- Annual Return Indebtedness
Form MGT-7- Annual Return Debenture holders and individuals alongside changes
Form MGT-7- Annual Return Directors, Promoters, key managerial personnel along with changes
Form MGT-7- Annual Return Members meeting
Form MGT-7- Annual Return Director’s remuneration and key managerial personnel;
Form MGT-7- Annual Return Discipline or punishment forced on the organization, its officials or Director and details of compounding of offenses just as claims made against such punishment/discipline
Form MGT-7- Annual Return Certification of compliances matters
Form MGT-7- Annual Return A pattern of the shareholding of the company and such other matters as required in the form
Form AOC-4 – Financial Statements & Other Documents Most of the organizations file their financial reports and relevant attachments utilizing Form AOC-4 every year. On the off chance that the financial reports of the organization are not received in an Annual General Meeting then unembraced financial statements should be filed within 30 days of the date of AGM.
Form AOC-4 – Financial Statements & Other Documents Then again, on the off chance that the financial statements are received by the organization, at that point the embraced financial statements must be filed inside 30 days of the AGM. Aside from this, on the off chance that the organization needs to modify the financial report or Board’s report, at that point updated financial statements can likewise be documented utilizing structure AOC-4.

What can be registered as a trademark ?

Compliance by Director

Board Report

Annual Report

Statutory Registers update

Drafting of Notices

Annual Filing and its documentation(AOC4, MGT-7)

Any Investment that you like.
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Qr Code
Account Details:

Account Holder: Form E Services
Account Number: 50200058593908
IFSC: HDFC0000101
Branch: Yagnik Road - Rajkot - Gujarat
Account Type: Current
Virtual Payment Address:9825444036@hdfcbank